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Let's get started!

Please fill out the following form carefully

TICKET ID: 93a0710bf503451a8ac9

1. Let's start understanding your problem...

Provide accurately general information about the issue you experienced.

First of all: you want to file a complaint for:

Against which online platform do you want to file the complaint?

Enter this information
Enter this information
* Very large online platforms and search engines supervised by the European Commission

What is the reason for the dispute?

Enter this information

Do you confirm that you have already attempted to redeem the dispute with the platform directly through the dedicated support channels?


2.Tell us more...

Please provide a clear and complete description of the events that led to your complaint. Include all relevant details such as amounts, dates, usernames and exact reference numbers, if available. Remember that the information provided in this section will be the only information used to evaluate your case.

Describe the problem in the best possible way

Upload visual and textual evidence of the issue.
You can upload screenshots, emails, documents highlighting the issue you experienced.

Drag a file to upload it or click to select it from your computer.
You can also upload more than one file


3. Previous attempt to resolve the dispute

If you have already attempted to resolve the dispute with the online platform, please share your experience.

Date of complaint submission to the online platform

Field is mandatory

What did the online platform answer / propose to solve your problem?

Field is mandatory

Upload Upload documents related to the previous attempt to resolve the dispute
You can upload screenshots, emails, invoices, documents .

Drag a file to upload it or click to select it from your computer.
You can also upload more than one file


4. What would you like to achieve?

Describe what you would like to achieve with our intervention (account reactivation, economic reimbursement, content restoration...)

Enter this information

If you consider it necessary, indicate the reimbursement / compensation requested

Almost done...

We are almost there...

5. Enter your details

Enter your contact details, pay the contribution (€ 10) for the start of the credit card application and send the request.
It will be managed within the timeframe provided for by the regulation.

Personal and contact details
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory

These contact details will be used to communicate with you. Make sure they are correct and supervised.

Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Preferred Language

The language that the assigned to your report assessor will speak and in which we will send you communications.

Account details you have on the online platform
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Invoicing information

Indicate to whom you want the start-of-procedure contribution of € 10 to be invoiced

Field is mandatory

Warning: once you have chosen between invoice and tax receipt, you will not be able to request a payment document other than the one selected.

Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory
Field is mandatory

If you have completed all the required fields correctly, you can send the request to ADR Center.

You will be sent an email to confirm your request. The confirmation of processing of the request is to be considered valid when you have clicked on the link in the message that you will receive and you will pay, by credit card, the submission fee (€ 10).

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